
Consejo 11. Advice 11

Dentro del mundo del rock se puede comprobar que aquellos músicos que se han drogado y lograron superar su adicción, conservan su voz intacta, mientras que no sucede lo mismo con los que se han dedicado al alcohol. Mick Jagger y Robert Smith son dos ejemplos del primer grupo. Keith Richards y Ozzy Osbourne pertenecen al segundo. Siempre es bueno recordar que el slogan dice. "Sexo, drogas y rock and roll" y no "Sexo, alcohol y rock and roll"

Inside de world of rock you can see that those musicians who have taken drugs and managed to overcome their addiction, keep their clean voices; but it doesn't happen the same with those who have fallen in the hands of alcohol. Mick Jagger and Robert Smith are two examples of the first group. Keith Richards and Ozzy Osbourne belong to the second one. Just in case it is good to remind that the slogan says: "Sex, drugs and rock and roll", and not: "Sex, alcohol and rock and roll"

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