Es una gran solución formar una banda de rock con un hermano porque no sólo facilita el hecho de sumar integrantes al grupo, sino que además demuestra que ambos tienen un gusto musical similar y habla muy bien de la familia en la que fueron criados.
En la historia del rock hay varios hermanos que formaron su propia banda: Eddie y Alex Van Halen, Johnny y Colin Greenwood, Win y Will Butler, etc.
También podemos recordar que en Duran Duran había tres integrantes apellidados Taylor que no eran ni siquiera amigos entre sí, pero en Inglaterra ese apellido es muy común.
It is a great solution to make a rock band with one of your brothers, because it doesnt only make easier to add members to the group, besides it shows up that both of you have a similar taste in music and it speaks very well about the family that raised up both of you.
In the rock history there are several brothers who made up their own band, as Eddie and Alex Van Halen, Johnny and Colin Greenwood, Win and Will Butler, etc.
We also can mention that in Duran Duran there were three musicians named Taylor, but they werent even friends, but we know that in England, Taylor is such a common surname.
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